The answer is complicated but you can keep it simple. You can do two things.
1. Go with her to the kingdom hall and tell people you are her boyfriend. You can do this by not stating you are her boyfriend, just sit with her and they will assume this. Sitting next to an unbeliever of the opposite gender is proof you're having sex in witness eyes!
This puts the elders on notice she is not complying with the rules. May slow down the baptism thing. (Risk is she may comply and drop you, or say "Hey, let's get married.")
or try this:
2. Go to a few second hand book stores and look for a copy of the book, "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth". It has a red cover and on the last page of chapter 18 you will find an illustration of a calander with the year 1914 on it, next to it is a series showing a boy growing to manhood and old age. The caption next to it is 'ARMAGEDDON some of the generation living in 1914 will see the end of the system of things and survive it." This is indicating that the last days end within the generation of 1914. Its very blatant and right there in print. Anyone can find this book in a second hand store. I see them all the time. This book only went out of print around 1995 when the Knowledge book came into vouge. (Have her compare that to the Nov. 1st Watchtower study article; "Saved from a wicked generation".)
Just ask her, "What does this mean?" Let the ball roll from there. They will have to explain to her that they dont beleive that anymore.
You may find that ultimately she isn't the girl for you. Hope she can be awakened from her trance by a gentle kiss from her prince charming.
Good luck.